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The Convergence of Data & Technology; company spotlight on RedVision; interesting tech news; and select July 2015 tech M&A deals.

Embracing the evolution of big data and data-driven marketing is a strategic initiative for every marketer. However, implementing systems and piecing together software is a major challenge, especially when dealing with disparate marketing technology providers and data technology solutions. As marketing data grows exponentially, the marketing technology industry is undergoing a strong push to deliver sophisticated data-driven marketing by converging smarter data management and technology execution solutions, as evidenced by several recent mergers, acquisitions, investments and partnerships in this space. For more information, contact JEGI Managing Director Amir Akhavan at amira@jegi.com or JEGI Co-Heads of Technology Banking Jeff Becker and Joseph Sanborn at jeffb@jegi.com andjosephs@jegi.com.

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