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The plastic credit card…the buggy whip of tomorrow; company spotlight on RiseSmart; and select February 2015 tech M&A deals.

The October 20, 2014 launch of Apple Pay has shone a spotlight on the often overlooked world of payments and how the landscape is being redefined by mobile. A flurry of M&A activity has followed in the wake of Apple’s announce­ment, which is shaping up as a battle of the giants over who will lead in this burgeoning market of mobile payments and commerce. Notable transactions in the sector over the past thirty days include Google’s acquisition of Softcard (estimated at $100 million and announced in late February); PayPal acquiring Paydiant (estimated at $280 million and announced in early March); and Samsung’s acquisition of LoopPay (also announced in late February). For more information, contact JEGI’s Co-Heads of Technology Banking Jeff Becker and Joseph Sanborn atjeffb@jegi.com and josephs@jegi.com.

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